St. Patrick's day brought the luck of the Irish to the SMRCC.

At 7:30 p.m. Dr. Marvin Wollen called the meeting to order. The board commenced with monthty business and

the consent agenda. At approximately 7:50 pm. The board move to their next item of business. This was the

"Agreement with the Shawnee Mission Radio Control Club regarding the relocation of the flying field in Shawnee Mission Park".


There were several minutes of discussion to bring two new members of the board up to speed on the issue as well as an outline of the changes that had been recommended by the club and how the plan was to be financed. Within a few minutes the Dr. Wollen called for a motion to accept. Vickie Truitt made the motion to accept and Dr. Mike Jurkovich seconded the motion. Dr. Wollen called for the vote.

The question of time once again came up and Steve Spielbusch stated that the present field was probably useable until June or possible July at the latest. Bob Miller also extended an invitation to all board members to come out on any Tuesday evening and we would give them a try on the sticks.


The financing of the field is to be completed by the club paying a sum to get the field started and then pay the remainder off at a given amount over the next several years until paid in full. The club is still responsible for seeding the field and installing the fencing. It will take a lot of work on our part as well as the park


So, the vote was unanimous to accept the motion. We have a new field. Construction details are not available at this time but we will strive to keep you informed as to when things will start to happen. Top of the day and good flying.

See you on the new field.

Steve Spielbush