Per our conversation here is a recap of last night's meeting. You have the
plot plan, field layout and cost estimate.
Bobby Miller and I had met with the Park Committee earlier last week and
they had asked us to get approval from the 3-2 ballfield folks for our flying field location.
Bobby Miller did this and had the director contact Bill Cobb of Parks with
his approval.
We met with Bill Cobb and Clif Middleton of Parks earlier this week and reviewed their proposed
field location "B". This was chosen as an alternative to the "A" location because of the smaller amount
of grading and the existing fine stand of Big Bluestem Grass. Since this big bluestem grass was a project
of Craig Kenworthy of the SMP Board another location looked easier to sell to them.
We made a few changes to their layout - rotating clockwise to get more distance from trees on east end
and moving field to the south and west -ditto.
We also alluded to some modifications in grading to reduce costs.
The staff presented these locations and explained the "B" site.The board
-Jurkovich and Kenworthy- were reluctant but followed group in voting
approval of location "B" and would like to work out funding with SMRCC.
Ms. Truit asked if we were pursuing Rodrock Development to fullfil their
promise to do grading. I showed them a letter from our attorney to
Rodrock's attorney re: this. This was prior to vote.
Gary Haller - director of Parks- said that the project could go ahead with
some items to be done at a later date.
Kenworthy seems to think we won't need the field as soon as we do. He asked
that we pay for the improvements. I said we would like a long term lease
with a payment schedule, but didn't want to have to pay all of field and
not have an exclusive use of it. Said we knew Park had to be open to all folks.
Board approved site location with note that SMRCC would work with park on
$$ both in kind and from Rodrock- cash or in kind.
Cost estimate for "B" location was $ 30,000.